6 Rekomendasi Tempat Makan Terdekat dari Bandara YIA, Cek Yuk!

6 Rekomendasi Tempat Makan Terdekat dari Bandara YIA, Cek Yuk!

Sudah mendekati waktunya anak-anak liburan sekolah, artinya apa? Saatnya berkelana bersama keluarga! Yup, benar sekali. Masa-masa libur sekolah memang saat yang ditunggu-tunggu, terutama bila berlibur di salah satu kota wisata: Yogyakarta. Pergi liburan sekolah ke Jogja naik pesawat memang pilihan yang nyaman. Di mana opsi maskapainya banyak, dan harga tiket pesawat ke Jogja pun murah. Ditambah lagi ada dua bandara internasional yang siap sedia melayani, membuat makin nyaman saja. tempat makan terdekat (more…)

5 Best Cities in Virginia for Foodies

5 Best Cities in Virginia for Foodies

In the state of lovers, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the food is one of the best parts. Not only can you find delicious flavors in nearly any style you want, but there are dozens of cities that have their food as their claim to fame. Whether you’re making a road trip through Virginia and want to find the best places to stop, or you live here and want some new inspiration: these are the five best cities in Virginia for foodies.

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